Yet in a twist emblematic of the companies’ shifting prospects, Sony has increasingly been looking to Samsung to revive its sagging fortunes. Samsung, long seen as a low-end electronics maker, is now being courted by Sony for its manufacturing prowess and innovative technology.

czyli to, od czego zaczynało Sony.
ale kto to pamięta…
no to po co to komu?

After all, Samsung’s market capitalization is now more than twice as large as Sony’s, and it earned more than 10 times as much in profits last year. By teaming up with Sony, Samsung hopes to learn from Sony’s powerful design and marketing expertise.

znaczy: podkupią projektantów, przejmą kontakty handlowe?
może; ale sądzę że to (jednak) ciekawsze jest w środku. to inna gra. dawno i do znudzenia powtarzam
ale to blog jest, niepoważny sieciowy pamiętniczek.