
nowe obrazki z tej wartej Miliardy firmy. ale czy to nowy image Coca-Cola Company? czy tylko testy…
dość… blade; moim zdaniem. i nijakie. ale może tacy są ich klienci? albo Dyrektorzy…

(via: be a design group)

The commercials incorporated the droplets wonderfully. As far as comparisons go, does anyone else see similarities with Duffy’s Bahamas identity? The bright varied colors on roundish shapes seem a little too similar to me. I’m not saying that they copied the Bahamas logo, it is just a little too similar. The text is even gray (…)


    MAKE EVERY DROP COUNT and the Droplet Logo are trademarks and service marks of The Coca-Cola Company.


    d2w® and the ’droplet’ logo are trademarks of a range of totally degradable flexible and semi-rigid plastic products and pro-degradant additives which are sold worldwide.

ale kogo to obchodzi?