The entire relationship between neuroscience and the pharmaceutical industry is also built on the modular model. Typical strategies when it comes to common neurological and…
Zobacz więcej „…and that all parts of the brain contribute to all functions?”i nie jestem pewien, czy to jest aby optymistyczne, ale.
Yet watching Patti Smith sing „A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall” live streamed from the Nobel Prize ceremony in early December to a room full of…
Zobacz więcej i nie jestem pewien, czy to jest aby optymistyczne, ale.Świat jako wola i naukowcy.
In fact, in many cases the participants were able to cancel the nonconscious preparatory brain activity and stop their foot movement before it even began.…
Zobacz więcej Świat jako wola i naukowcy.Nowy dzień.
What precisely is objectionable about this vision? Why should we be worried about the advances of neuroscience, and in particular those of the Brain Initiative?…
Zobacz więcej Nowy dzień.