no to: nieco autoreklamy. oto mejl, jaki dostałem Od Kolegi. publikuję bez jego zgody, bo nie mogę się powstrzymać.
- miałeś rację kolejny raz, prorok jaki czy co???
a rzecz dotyczy tego samego. ciągle.
- Electronics giant Sony has announced plans to cut 10,000 jobs worldwide as part of a restructuring programme.
The job cuts, which represent about 7% of the company’s workforce, will be achieved by March 2008, the firm said.
About 4,000 jobs will go in Japan, with the remaining 6,000 cuts overseas. The company will also close or sell 11 of its 65 manufacturing plants.
Sony, which now has its first-ever non-Japanese chairman, has been losing ground to rivals in key sectors. (…)
In its announcement, which came after the close of trading on the Tokyo stock market, Sony said it expected a group net loss of 10bn yen ($90 million) in the current fiscal year.
Over the past five years, Sony shares have lost two thirds of their value. In Thursday’s trading, its share price fell 2.2%.
wróżka Makówka udziela porad dla Byznesmenów. godziny (i ceny) – do ustalenia. przeze mnie.
po mnie przyjdą Bardzo Poważni Analitycy. 3 lata później. i wezmą 3 miliony więcej kasy.
ot, 1-szy pszykład:
- It does not present bold growth strategies such as expansion of the alliance with (South Korea’s) Samsung Electronics Co.…
już mówiłem. tu.
zastanówcie się, Panowie Byznesmeni…