Apple finally announced some overdue upgrades to its iBook line and Mac mini line, just in time for back-to-school. Apple fans are pleased, though PC fans are wondering: What took them so long?
Many of the upgrades are similar to those put in place on the PC side more than 6 months ago.
Like the previous Mac mini, the newest Mac mini comes without monitor, keyboard, and mouse, but now there are three price points (up from two): $499, $599, and $699.
(d. „Kochana młodzieży…”; d. oddajcie mi moje 5 minut; d. muzeum Rękawiczek; d. muzeum sztuki nienowoczesnej; d. w walce o sojusz Robotnika, Chłopa i Urzędnika Pracującego; d. salon zależnych; d blog elegancki & symetryczny.)