co tam panie w polityce?
Chińczyki trzymają się mocno?
China has a similar disagreement with the European Union, although talks with EU officials in June produced an agreement that China would limit its own export growth to Europe
no, to dla mnie jest właśnie 3-cia wojna światowa.
nieco inna od 2-ch poprzednich, fakt.
a jak już:
From its marketplace to its military to its thirst for energy, China is growing.
And whether you view Beijing as an evolving trade partner or an emerging security threat, the United States has plenty of reasons to reject the Chinese government’s plan to buy a U.S. oil company.
If that’s not enough, there’s this:
Unocal uses advanced technology that can be bent to military purposes. China has the largest standing army in the world. It answers dissent with tanks, still holds Tibet prisoner, sporadically proposes to invade Taiwan and leers at Mongolia.
Do we want to sell it plowshares it can turn into swords?
a kto to taki…
(d. „Kochana młodzieży…”; d. oddajcie mi moje 5 minut; d. muzeum Rękawiczek; d. muzeum sztuki nienowoczesnej; d. w walce o sojusz Robotnika, Chłopa i Urzędnika Pracującego; d. salon zależnych; d blog elegancki & symetryczny.)