• Sony nabs Warner Bros.’ The Matrix Online
- z tym, że aby te plusy nie przysłoniły nam minusów:
At 50,000 subscribers the game is a disappointment that Warner Bros. eventually had to write off.
• Can Apple Afford to License OS X?
Michael Dell shocked everyone when he expressed interest in the software.
More shocking would be if Apple actually pulled it off.
- z tym, że aby te plusy nie przysłoniły nam minusów:
While Dell’s interest is newsworthy, I doubt Jobs will let him sell OS X anytime soon.
• i na koniec informacja dobra? zła? – ale na pewno prawdziwa:
Scientists see women’s brains switch off during sex
- z tym, że aby te plusy nie przysłoniły nam minusów:
There was no mention of whether the results may have been affected by the fact the couples were being watched by a bunch of geeks in white coats while at least one partner had their head connected to a machine that goes bing.