i przypominam.
ktoś się chyba z Głupim na rozumy pozamieniał…
today’s ELSPA International Games Summit, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe’s president, David Reeves, stated that the company likes to launch new hardware in Europe dramatically later than all other territories as it makes their life easier.
Yeah, nice.

i kto inny:
…David Reeves announced that Sony would ’make no apologies’ for the delays that see Europe and Australia receive new Sony hardware months after Japan and the US. And in a further revelation, Reeves confirmed that Sony had written over 600 letters to major importers on eBay, a move that follows Sony’s decision to take legal action against numerous online retailers importing the new PSP handheld from outside NTSC regions.
serdecznie pozdrawiamy Panów Prezesów (tylko Sony?);
którzy produkują mniej
(patrz – Lenin: „lepiej mniej, ale lepiej”) – a teraz zapewne grają w golfa.
i dzielą świat, przy okazji.

a nie mówiłem? i tu i jeszcze kilka razy
(same najbrzydsze wyrazy – potarzał po kilka razy…)

    We cannot fight battles on every front,” Stringer said after Sony’s annual shareholders’ meeting in Tokyo.
    „We have to make choices, and that is why this summer we will get together and decide what the company’s priorities ought to be.”
    „I know I cannot use an axe in Japan, but we need to change. The world has changed and we have more competitors than ever,”

ale mi odkrycie.