Last week, Fool contributor Tim Beyers made some bold predictions about the future of Apple. We asked for your responses.
And, boy, did you have some doozies.
Are you listening, Steve?
Mactel Corp.
Oh, irony, how I love thee. The same day that I published my predictions, columnist Robert X. Cringely did the same. His take was vastly different, however. In a nutshell: Intel will — wait for it — buy Apple. That’s right, folks; get ready for Mactel Corp. (…)
Dell is a partner, stupid
Another popular theory, not surprisingly, is that Apple will license the Mac OS, and that Dell will become a partner (…)
(i przypominam: my też… ale już tak nie myślimy.)
(d. „Kochana młodzieży…”; d. oddajcie mi moje 5 minut; d. muzeum Rękawiczek; d. muzeum sztuki nienowoczesnej; d. w walce o sojusz Robotnika, Chłopa i Urzędnika Pracującego; d. salon zależnych; d blog elegancki & symetryczny.)