That was the year of Bonnie and Clyde, a bellwether for anyone today trying to understand how Hollywood was transformed during the ’60s. A Depression-era outlaw fantasy, Bonnie and Clyde celebrated the violent, bubbling id of America in the late ’60s by subverting the gestalt of old classics with off-beat humor, shockingly explicit violence, and sexual role reversals.
The film’s producer and star, Warren Beatty, wanted to screen a nearly-finished cut for the old man, so he dutifully brought a print to Jack’s home screening room in Beverly Hills. Jack was distracted, flummoxed by the film’s quirky pastiche of cheerful youth rebellion and slow-motion bloodletting. He hated it.
“What the hell was that?” Warner said.
Beatty tried to explain in a manner he thought Jack would appreciate.
“It’s an homage to Warners gangster films,” he said. But Jack was having none of it.
“What the fuck’s an homage?” Jack Warner said.Mark Horowitz
„Was Hollywood Too Jewish?”
7 odpowiedzi na “„After all, Jews don’t have a monopoly on cynicism and humor…””
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Na humor mają.
Panie: sprawdź pan, czy nie głosisz aby poglądu antysemickiego, to izraelski portal, a Pan zaprzeczasz…
ps. ps.
No przecież mówię, że mają monopol:
Marx’s family was Jewish. Groucho’s mother was Miene „Minnie” Schoenberg, whose family came from Dornum in northern Germany when she was 16 years old. His father was Simon „Sam” Marx, who changed his name from Marrix, and was called „Frenchie” by his sons throughout his life because he and his family came from Alsace in France. [ za Wikipedią]
no, przecież Pan nie rozumie: to List serio, prawny (v spr. prawo do tytułu „Bros.”). tu nie ma miejsca na Żarty (bo vpierdol.)
Samo napisanie tego listu jest jajem.
tak Pan sądzi? ja tam myślę, że on tak na serio: ci Faceci z Wąsami (Janusze) są strasznie poważni; a jeszcze jak z europy wschodniej… (no, dobra: z Alzacji, to prawie Enerde.)