Their quarrel over terminology picked up again during the second panel discussion, with a back-and-forth over whether or not hard, epidemiological evidence should be filtered through more subjective data on individual experience and difference. „Of course [those things] matter, because we tackle different problems,” Kandel snapped. „But ultimately I should be able to replicate your findings and you should be able to replicate my findings, otherwise it’s not science, it’s bullshit.”
„I knew something like ‘if it’s not science it’s bullshit’ was coming,” remembers Sheigla Murphy, who was also on the panel. Different definitions of addiction guide everyone’s research, she said. „Our knowledge construction is predicated on how we understand these concepts and how we define terms, so people get very emotional.”
David Schimke
„What if Addiction Is Not a Disease?”
(d. „Kochana młodzieży…”; d. oddajcie mi moje 5 minut; d. muzeum Rękawiczek; d. muzeum sztuki nienowoczesnej; d. w walce o sojusz Robotnika, Chłopa i Urzędnika Pracującego; d. salon zależnych; d blog elegancki & symetryczny.)