Oczywiście pomijając fakt, iż Autor przypisuje mój nekrolog¹ (Jarocin 1988²) z „Non Stopu²” – Hołdysowi Zbigniewowi; no, wyznam dziś: miał opory, lecz… Oraz różne drobiazgi drobne i oczywiście to, że nie zna³ jeszcze (2011) naszego „Obok…” ani tym bardziej albumu „Pokolenie J8”; no, dobra: i kilku innych jeszcze książek… – gorąco jednak polecam.
Panie i Panowie:
- Raymond A. Patton
„Screamed Poetry: Rock in Poland’s Last Decade of Communism”
Diss. University of Michigan, 2011.
inna perspektywa, tak.
mr m.
¹ – (cyt.)
Shortly after the event Perfect’s Zbigniew Hołdys – now an editor of a music periodical and something of an “elder statesman” of rock – published an obituary for the festival. It read, “With deep regret, we inform that on the days of August 3, 4, 5, and 6, 1988, after a long, painful illness, at 19, others say 9 years of age, the Jarocin Festival died.” It continued,
In the deceased we lose a tested friend, who was with us in the most difficult moments, a merited fighter for matters of rock in Poland. The symptoms of a terminal illness could be observed for a long time. Already in the late Walter [Chełstowski] years examples of this abounded. The short, but intense [Marcin] Jacobson episode today seems more wonderful than we judged it a year ago. Neither man found understanding or acceptance among the people permanently posted at the sick bed.
(w cytowanym oczywiście)
² – (oryginał)
³ – no, trochę zna: wtedy były (tylko) zbiory…
I am at least as indebted to the “alternative” archival system – the multitude of people who have kept the experience of Polish punk alive with their dedication in collecting and preserving materials and memories from their days in the rock scene – including Andrzej “Amok” Turzynowicz, Mirosław “Mr.” Makowski, Michał Szymański, and Robert Jarosz, and the countless punk fans who have made their bootleg recordings available. I also thank Przemysław Zielinski – teacher, scholar, and rock aficionado – who helped me negotiate the labyrinthine Polish archival system on my first research trip to Poland.